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ESG Management
ESG Management Policy

LG이노텍은 의사결정 및 행동기준이 되는 ESG 경영방침을 제정하여 시행하고 있습니다.

ESG Declaration of Action

LG Innotek declares that it will establish an ESG Declaration of Action as follows and execute it faithfully to become “Enable the Next through the Sustainability” through honest ESG management.

1. Conduct “Eco-friendly Management” for a Healthy Earth
- Switch to renewable energy and achieve our 2040 Carbon Neutrality goal to combat climate change.
- Practice eco-friendly management by developing eco-friendly products and establishing a resource recycling system for a healthy Earth.
- Recognize the value of biodiversity and strive to preserve ecosystems.
2. Conduct “CSR Management” to Enhance Social Values
- Protect the human rights of its employees and foster a safe working environment without discrimination.
- Build a sustainable system for shared growth with its suppliers and support their ESG management.
- Practice social contribution activities for the society honestly and take the initiative in creating social values.
3. Establish a Trusted Governance Structure to Carry Out “Transparent Management.” 
- Establish a trusted governance structure through elevating shareholder values and conducting transparent management of the board of directors.
- Based on the Jeong-Do management philosophy, comply with the LG Code of Ethics as well as the laws related to its business and promote the settlement of a fair-trade culture.
- Fulfill the information security requirements set by its stakeholders and build a crisis management system to secure the continuity of its business.

CEO Hyuksoo Moon
LG Innotek has established and implemented a policy for decision-making and behavior in the fields of labor, environment, health and safety, and ethics in order to fulfill social responsibility and sustainable management. In addition, LG Innotek adheres to the ten principles of UNGC by joining the UN Global Compact, and is striving to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

LG Way

It means to achieve the ultimate goal of “No.1 LG” by implementing the management principles of “Customer- Value Creation” and “People-Oriented Management” through Jeong-Do Management.


No.1 LG

LG’s vision is to lead
the industry with
broad recognition.

Code of Conduct

Jeong-Do Management

LG’s code of conduct is to build
capacity based on ethical management
and seek fair competition.

Management Principle

Customer-Value Creation,
People-Oriented Management

LG’s management principles constitute
the basis of its foundation and operation.

LG Code of Ethics

Human Rights and Labor Policy

LG Innotek shall establish a Human Rights and Labor Policy as follows and execute it faithfully in order to respect and guarantee human dignity and the human rights derived from it based on the philosophy of “People-Oriented Management.”

Basic policy 1. Support international norms related to human rights and labor, such as Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Guiding Principles (UNGPs), and the International Labor Organization(ILO) Conventions, and comply with the labor laws in all countries and regions where the company conducts its business. Respect for human rights 2. Respect all employees and foster a working environment where there is no inhumane treatment or threat, such as mental or physical coercion, sexual harassment, and bullying. No discrimination 3. Provide all employees with equal opportunities and prohibit any and all discrimination based on gender, race, age, sexual inclination, sexual identity, nationality, disability, marriage, religion, political inclination, labor activity, social standing, etc. No forced labor 4. Do not restrict an employee’s mental or physical freedom unfairly nor force labor contrary to an employee's will. Freedom of association 5. Guarantee the freedom of association and the right for collective bargaining bestowed by the labor-related laws of the individual country or region. Minimum wage/Work hours 6. Comply with the regulations on minimum wage, lowest age for employment, work hours, etc. set by the labor-related laws of the individual country or region and provide equal pay for equal work of male and female employees under the equal pay principle.

President & CEO Hyuksoo Moon

LG Innotek Global Labor Policy

LG Innotek has promulgated various slogans that define its unique corporate cultural and
ethical principles, namely “Creating Value for Customers”and “People-Oriented
Management”. The company has pledged that its entire business operations shall be
conducted in a manner that respects human and labor rights, based particularly upon the LG
Code of Ethics and LG Jeong-Do Management.
LG Innotek, as per fundamental operational principles, respects employees and protects
their human rights in accordance with internationally recognized standards such as UN
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and ILO’s International Labor Standards.
To this end, we will make every effort to comply with international agreements, national/
regional laws and regulations, and to maintain a good working environment with socially and
economically stable employment and adequate wages for our employees. In addition, LG
Innotek affirms that such global labor policies are the core values to be shared with all
stakeholders while requiring its business partners comply with the standards.
LG Innotek endeavors to comply with the following global labor policies in order to realize a
sustainable and respected company.
  • Article 1
    (Respect for Human Dignity)
  • All employees shall be respected as humans and all endeavors shall be made to prevent inhuman treatment, either
    physically or mentally, including sexual and non-sexual harassment.
  • Article 2
    (Avoidance of Forced Labor)
  • Human trafficking to exploit labor shall be strictly prohibited while no one shall be forced to work against their free will by
    having their mind or body unreasonably restricted with means such as violence, threat or confinement. LG Innotek will not
    demand that employees surrender any government-issued identification, such as a passport, to the Company as a condition
    of employment. LG Innotek will not require employees to pay any recruitment fees or other related fees for their employment.
  • Article 3
    (Prohibition of Child Employment)
  • LG Innotek will abide by the local labor laws with respect to minimum age of employment.
  • Article 4
    (Health & Safety)
  • LG Innotek creates the best environment for all employees’ safety and health. In particular, the Company does not permit
    employees under the age of 18 to perform tasks that jeopardize their health or safety, including night shifts and overtime.
  • Article 5
    (Fair Treatment)
  • LG Innotek does not offer nor authorize discriminatory hiring and employment practices such as wages, promotions, and
    rewards based on gender, race, color, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, ethnicity or national origin,
    disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, labor union activity or social status. Such discriminatory behavior shall be
    addressed with the “zero tolerance principle.”
  • Article 6
    (Working Hours)
  • LG Innotek will comply with the local labor laws with respect to working hours, including regular and overtime hours, and holidays.
  • Article 7
    (Wages and Benefits)
  • LG Innotek will offer wages that are higher than the minimum prescribed by local law in each country or region, including
    the payment of overtime rates when necessary. Deductions from wages as a disciplinary measure will not be permitted.
    By doing so, LG Innotek will motivate employees, support higher community living standards, and contribute to local economic development.
  • Article 8
    (Voluntary Association)
  • In order to promote an environment of trust and mutual respect, LG Innotek will provide sufficient opportunities for
    employees to communicate with the company. LG Innotek also guarantees the right of employees to form and join trade
    unions, to bargain collectively and to engage in peaceful assembly, as governed by local law, and will not cause any
    employee to be disadvantaged because of involvement with a union, or attempting to organize one.
  • Article 9
    (Compliance of Regulations)
  • LG Innotek will follow the international agreements, national/regional laws and norms and other requirements, and to
    continuously improve management levels through internal inspection and improvement activities.

Safe and Environment Management System (EESH Management)

All executives and employees of LG Innotek faithfully practice the following items in the fields of safety, health, environment, and energy to improve the quality of life and sustainable management of mankind.

Safety·Environment·Energy Management Policy

All LG Innotek employees establish and faithfully implement the following
"Safety·Environment·Energy Management Policy" to improve the quality of life of
mankind and realize sustainability management.

  • 1. Recognize safety, environment and energy as key elements of all business activities, and comply with domestic and foreign laws and requirements of stakeholders.
  • 2. Build an organization and system suitable for the safety, environment, and energy management, disclose its goals and improvement activities transparently to all employee and stakeholders, and fulfill them faithfully.
  • 3. Create a voluntary safety culture in which all employees participate and improve to the culture continuously to build health and safety workplaces.
  • 4. Apply eco-friendly products, services, and technologies to minimize the environmental effect and contribute to the resource circulation and biodiversity conservation.
  • 5. Achieve carbon neutrality by optimizing energy efficiency and expanding the use of renewable energy.
January 24, 2024
CEO Hyuksoo Moon

Safe and Environment Vision and Goals

EESH Management System

LG Innotek has established the vision of “Global No. 1 EESH Leader in the Materials and Components Industry” and is actively pursuing change management activities in each field. The company have established and managed a total of 80, 48 for health & safety, 2 for carbon neutrality, 30 for environment, regulations and guidelines for each area of safety and environment, building EESH management system, based on international standards such as ISO 45001 for Safety and Health Management System and ISO 14001 for Environmental Management System, at all domestic business sites. In particular, the Gumi 1/1A plant, designated as a green company, is taking the lead in eco-friendly management.

EESH Certification Status

Category ISO 14001
Management System)
ISO 45001
(Safety & Health
Management System)
ISO 50001
(Energy Management
Korea Gumi ~ 2026. 06. 10 ~ 2026. 06. 10 ~ 2025. 08. 08
Paju ~ 2027. 09. 02 ~ 2027. 09. 02
Magok ~ 2026. 12. 21 ~ 2026. 12. 21 ~ 2026. 09. 22
Ansan ~ 2026. 12. 15 ~ 2026. 12. 15 -
Overseas Yantai (China) ~ 2026. 12. 10 ~ 2026. 12. 10 ~ 2025. 05. 22
Indonesia ~ 2025. 01. 04 ~ 2025. 01. 04 ~ 2025. 05. 03
Ploland ~ 2026. 10. 30 ~ 2026. 10. 26 ~ 2026. 05. 24
Mexico ~ 2025. 03. 06 ~ 2025. 06. 02 ~ 2026. 04. 12
Vietnam ~ 2026. 06. 27 ~ 2026. 06. 27 ~ 2025. 06. 28