When you visit the LG Innotek website, information may be stored in or retrieved from your browser in the form of cookies. This information may relate to the visitor, their preferences, or the device they are using, and it is mostly used to ensure the site functions properly. This information cannot directly identify visitors but can help provide a more optimized experience. LG Innotek respects your privacy rights. Visitors can choose to block certain types of cookies through the settings. You can review detailed information and change your preferences.
Essential Cookies
Certain cookies are necessary to use all the features of the site. These cookies perform essential activities needed for users to navigate the website. - Session ID(User Identifier) - Language
Optional Cookies
These cookies collect information about how visitors use the website, helping improve the site. For example, they collect information about the visitor’s device and location anonymously. - Google Analytics (GA4) Anonymous Data Collection - Eloqua Data Collection