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LG Innotek declared it would achieve 100% renewable energy (RE100) by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2040. The company is leveraging its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) to lead the development of solutions to boost the shift to clean, renewable energy. Based on its decades of experience in vehicle and electronic component power sectors, LG Innotek is developing high-efficiency power solutions to lead sustainable energy and electric vehicle technologies. First, in terms of energy generation, the company is developing a MLPE (DC optimizer) to maximize panel efficiency, an inverter connected to AC power system for home use, and a DC-DC converter for Energy Storage System (ESS). In terms of energy consumption, LG Innotek is mass producing low-voltage DC-DC (LDC) converters that power accessories in vehicles, Electric Vehicle Communication Controllers (EVCC), and Battery Management Systems (BMS). The company is also developing high-capacity power modules that are essential to EV fast/super-fast chargers, as well as a power module for more convenient wireless charging.